Jen's Blog

Lightning strikes a symbol cloud. Suddenly everything we've ever known as truth falls to the ground. It seeps in and slowly begins to regenerate fresh ideas. Such things has only the immortal Redwood seen time after time after time after time after time after time -Jen Meharg '06

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

3 poems by me

Cut myself off at the feet.
My sad and angry emotions turn my heart to filthy pitch.
I reach for the sky and pray for a shift in perspective.

Lightning strikes a symbol cloud.
Suddenly everything we ever knew as true falls to the ground.
It seeps in and slowly regenerates fresh ideas.
Such things has only the immortal Redwood seen time after time after timeaftertimeeaftertime.

Open my eyes to the random nature of heaven.
I am made up only of tiny angels all singing their arias at different frequencies so that the cacophony shakes my matter to the core
And I am returned to popping in and out of existence
Once again awaiting the opportunity to view life from a new perspective.