The yellow bird has flown away,
The yellow heart has stopped.
The yellow casket mounds the earth,
And yellow grass is cut.
Ed Meharg
It's been quite some time since I updated my blog, and a lot has happened in that time. In the space I had open for whatever in September and October I have added a show and a trip. The show is Bunnicula (I play the title role...just puppetry but, hey, it's work, right) and the trip is my week in New Mexico.
I will not do The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe at the Science Museum of Virginia, as I had originally planned. Instead, I am going to play Gacinta in Scapino alongside my husband, Scott Wichmann, who will play the title role. This show will run Nov. 25th, 2005 to Jan. 22nd, 2006 at the Barksdale Theatre www.barksdalerichmond.org Also, check out Scott's Blog at www.scottwichmann.blogspot.com
My Life in the past 24 hours:
Last night Scott and I watched the PBS American Experience on Bobby Kennedy, which Scott bought on his way home from his show last night. Since watching his biography I have been sitting with a strong sense melancholy. While contemplating RFK's journey, which was colored with death, sadness, and in the end hope, I am left with no resolution and only the screaming question of 'Why?'. Why was he such a threat that he had to be taken from The People? After all that's who he was for. Bobby Kennedy was not for big business or big government or big wars, he was for the disenfranchised and the forgotten. He was for the poor and the immigrants. He was for me and all the people in my neighborhood. And in the wake of Dr. King's murder he was poised to become the voice of the voiceless.
On this day, which started with the incredibly overpaid weekend anchors mugging incessantly while trying ever so hard to drum up any residual feeling for the thousands of people who were murdered four years ago, all while putting up the conveniently newly released footage of Al-Quaida threatening the US to keep the drama high and the views viewing...On this day, I can help but feel a deeper sense of loss.
Our country was lost long before 09-11-01. Before G.W. stole votes from half of Florida and then Ohio four years later.
Our country was lost when the last of the Unifiers was shot in the head.
Like Dr. Martin Luther King, Bobby Kennedy was taken too quickly and I can't help but think that we will never have anyone in or in the pursuit of office who is in possession of the selflessness and honesty Bobby Kennedy cultivated.
Now we are left only with greedy warmongers whose words are so rash and uncomposed that they cannot bear to hear them repeated:
'Hey Cheney, go F@#K yourself!'
Wait, didn't Cheney utter those same words to a Senator? I guess if you are not Dick Cheyney you get handcuffed for using the "F" word
The hypocrisy of this administration is atrocious, embarrassing, and ultimately tactless. I loved today's "Freedom March" in D.C. where you had to have a ticket to march, and if someone got caught 'Marching for Freedom' without a ticket they would be arrested. I guess the Pentagon was introducing their New and Improved idea of freedom, which seems a lot to me like...Fascism!
Fascism fas·cism
a. A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, stringent socioeconomic controls, suppression of the opposition through terror and censorship, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.
b. A political philosophy or movement based on or advocating such a system of government.
Who knows if we would be living in a kinder, more compassionate world had RFsurviveded to see his ideas put in place, but it really sucks that we never got the chance.
In our sleep, pain that cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart and in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom through the awful grace of God.

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